was in Frankfurt a few days ago and it was one of the best Frankfurt flight so far.....
coz i get to meet up with my GQ batchies!!
they are my colleagues who went through the two months intensive German course with me earlier this year...
i love them to bits because they are the best batchies around!!
we had so much fun during that two months on ground...and i miss them tremendously...because of our clashing rosters...we dun get to meet up as much as we would like to...so this is one of rare opporturnity for us to meet up...and the best part is we get to meet up in Frankfurt!!

say hello to Cath, KhengLee and Yan!!
at one of our fave pasta joint in Frankfurt...
after lunch we sent Yan back to hotel as she was flying back to Singapore that evening...then the rest of us went off to town for a walk...

random camwhore shots while in the train on the way to town...and oh...say hello to Elaine...one of my colleagues from my flight....
at first our plan was to shop in town....but when we were there we kinda er...lost the plot...
we ended up at the famous Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt!!

this Christmas Market is one of the largest Christmas Market in the whole Germany!
the whole Roemerberg Plaza were filled with numerous stalls selling Christmassy food, drinks and souveniors....the whole place were decorated with pretty Christmassy decors and lightings!!

immediately we felt kids again!!
or okie...maybe just me...

don't u think its damn pretty!!

at the candy stall!!
they were selling multicolours candy and assorted chocolates and nuts for Chirstmas...i'm so tempted to buy everything!!
as i was walking aro0und grinning ear to ear like a kid....busy looking at all the beautiful decors and pretty lightings...
i saw THIS!!

a REAL Christmas tree!!
not those plasticey fakeChristmas tree we usually have back home!!
ps: it wasnt snowing when i took the picture...those white flakes u see in the photo are actually raindrops...it was actually drizzling when we were there....but we were too in awe with everything that we actually din bother bout the rain...

the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in frontof theRoemerberg Plaza...
one of my fave picture...courtesy of my boyfriend aka my G10...
and of course...such pretty scene how can i not jump in for an obligatory solo shot right...
and as i tot i've seen the most beautiful thing that night....
i saw THIS!!!!!!!!!

such pretty carousel!!
we girls were screaming like little girls when we saw it....it was so pretty it look like it just came off from a fairytale!
despite the screaming protests from KhengLee we dragged him to the counter...paid for the ride...and ran up the carousel!!
it was a two decks carousel and the main deck was filled kids so we ran upstairs and have the whole upper deck for ourselves!!
hmmm...looking at KhengLee's happy grin i don't think he regretted being dragged up into the carousel at all huh...

just look at our happy kiddy faces!!!
and one last picture before we left....taken at the staircase leading up to the upper deck of the carousel....
after that we all went back to the hotel grinning like kids...
just by looking through all these pictures make me feels like its Christmas already....
these are one of the moments when i feel truly blessed to have this job and to be able to fly around the world and to experience all these....
and suddenly it just crossed my mine....this might be the last Christmas i'll ever spend in overseas if i quit my job next year...
oh dear....
i wonder if i'm willing to let all these go......just yet...
oh dear oh dear...